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Relationships of Leland, Charles

To explore the relationships between the various bohemian writers and artists who frequented Pfaff's bar, select a person or group, and then select a relationship type. This section of the site is currently under construction; new content is being added on a regular basis.

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6

Ward, Artemus (1834-1867)

Leland acknowledges that he initially helped Ward develop story ideas and also edited a few of his articles (235-36).

There was a mention of a rumor that Leland had been a frequenter of Pfaff's and that it was he who introduced Artemus Ward to the Bohemians.

Whitman, Walt (1819-1892)


Du Solle, John Stephenson (1810-1876)

Leland recalls spending time as a youth with Du Solle while both were living in Congress Hall, a hotel in Philadelphia.

O'Brien, Fitz-James (1826-1862)

O'Brien describes Leland as "fantastic, and frequently inimitable."

Whitman, Walt (1819-1892)

Leland befriended Whitman in the 1870's (506). Whitman admired Leland for his "easy association with 'Bohemians and bummers'" (507-508).